astrology news

New Podcast on Astrology

The Astrology PodcastAbout a year and a half ago I started a new podcast on astrology called The Astrology Podcast.

The purpose of the show is to have discussions about technical, historical and philosophical topics related to astrology.

On each show I usually either have another astrologer on as a co-host in order to talk about a specific topic or theme, or I do an interview with a well-known astrologer about something they’ve been working on recently.

Episodes are released somewhat sporadically, but I’ve been trying to record a new one at least once a month. At this point I have done 13 episodes of the show.

I just realized that I never really announced the launch of this podcast here on the Horoscopic Astrology Blog though, so I thought that it would be a good idea to do that now.

I had previously done another podcast called Traditional Astrology Radio, and episodes of it are still available. I wanted to do something that would be a bit more mainstream though, because even though I specialize in Hellenistic astrology, I do not usually tend to limit myself to just traditional astrology. I wanted to be able to talk about a wider variety of topics, and I think that the new podcast provides a better format for that. I may still do some more episodes of Traditional Astrology Radio at some point in the future, but for now I’m focused on developing The Astrology Podcast.

Listening and Subscribing to The Astrology Podcast

The podcast is free, and in order to listen to it you can either stream episodes right from the website or you can download each one as an MP3.

You can subscribe to the podcast by entering your email address in on this page, and then you will receive an email each time a new episode of the show is released. Or you can subscribe to the show on iTunes. You can also follow our pages on Facebook or on Twitter in order to get notifications about the show there as well.

Episodes of the Show So Far

Here is a list of episodes of the podcast that I’ve done so far:

  1. The First Episode of the Astrology Podcast – The first episode was a solo-show where I talked about different topics that I wanted to discuss on the podcast in order to give the listener some sense of what the show would be about in the future.
  2. Interview with Benjamin Dykes About Electional Astrology – I interviewed Benjamin Dykes about his new translation of a compilation of Medieval texts on electional astrology.
  3. The Definition of “Astrologer” with Nick Dagan Best – My friend Nick and I discuss what it means for a person to be an “astrologer”, and how that is defined by different people.
  4. The Astrology of the 2012 Presidential Election – Patrick Watson and I discuss the astrology of the upcoming presidential election, based on work we had done on the Political Astrology Blog.
  5. The Fifth Episode of the Astrology Podcast – Several months after the last episode Patrick and I got together again to talk about things that happened since the last episode, including the outcome of the presidential election and the unsurprising lack of an apocalypse in December 2012.
  6. NORWAC Recap With Kelly Surtees – After the Northwest Astrology Conference I talked with Kelly Surtees about how it went, and different things that we learned and found interesting about it.
  7. Mercury Retrograde: Myths and Realities – Kelly Surtees returns to talk with me about the phenomenon surrounding Mercury retrograde, and the ways in which it is a bit over-hyped, as well as the ways in which it is a valid astrological consideration.
  8. The Issue of House Division in Astrology – Kelly and I talk about different approaches to house division in western astrology, and particularly how whole sign houses seems to resolve some of the issues associated with the topic.
  9. The Relationship Between Hellenistic and Indian Astrology – I talk with Kenneth Johnson about the connection between the Hellenistic and Indian astrological traditions, and the ways in which both traditions borrowed certain concepts and techniques from each other.
  10. The Future of Astrology – In this episode I talked with Austin Coppock, who is the current President of the Association for Young Astrologers, about some trends and developments that we see happening in the future of astrology.
  11. The Astrology of Uranus and the United States – An interview with Nick Dagan Best about his new book on Uranus and the chart of the United States. In it we discuss events that occurred in the past under specific Uranus transits to the US chart, as well as what we might expect from the upcoming Uranus return.
  12. Robert Hand on Reconciling Modern and Traditional Astrology – I talk with Rob Hand about his views on the recent reemergence of traditional forms of astrology, and how they might be integrated at some point with the prevailing modern paradigm.
  13. Ben Dykes’ New Translation of Hephaistio of Thebes – I interview Benjamin Dykes about his new book, which is a translation of a 5th century text on electional astrology. We also talk about the implications that the book has for clearing up a longstanding dispute over the historical origins of horary astrology.

If you enjoy the show then please give it a good rating on iTunes, or “like” it on Facebook.

The Future of the Podcast

If you have any suggestions about specific topics that you would like me to address in future episodes of the show then please let me know in the comments section below.

I’m in the process of recording some new episodes of the show right now, so be sure to subscribe so that you will be notified when new episodes are released in the future.

2 replies on “New Podcast on Astrology”

Thanks for the suggestion Nicholas! I will look into having her on the show at some point.