
United Astrology Conference 1986 Documentary

A video was posted online a few days ago by a filmmaker who did a documentary on the 1986 United Astrology Conference (UAC) in San Diego, California. This was the very first time that the three main sponsoring organizations AFAN, ISAR, and the NCGR got together in order to hold a large conference like this. […]


Video Showing Asteroids Discovered Since 1980

This video is making the rounds on the internet right now which depicts all of the asteroid discoveries that have been made since 1980. I though that I would post it here, since asteroids have become a major source of interest for many modern astrologers over the past three decades or so, basically since the […]

featured articles featured video Video

The History of Western Astrology

I made a video today which outlines the history of western astrology in 10 minutes.  It is ten  minutes long because that is the restriction for all YouTube videos, although I covered quite a bit of ground in such a short clip. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, although I was surprised […]

astrology news Video

Lee Lehman on Astrology as a Civil Rights Issue

Lee Lehman gave an interesting speech at a recent Kepler College graduation ceremony in Seattle in October in which she drew parallels between the astrological community and the LGBT community, arguing that astrologers face a similar type of political discrimination as homosexuals do. During the course of the speech she pointed out a number of […]

astrology news Video

Nick Dagan Best On Astrology

My friend Nick Dagan Best has a new video up on Youtube from his interview in the forthcoming documentary Return of the Magi. It is a rather insightful look into the the views and the practices of a contemporary astrologer.  If you are not very familiar with astrology, or you don’t know much about how […]


Rob Hand and Nick Campion – Kepler College Graduation Speeches

Kepler College recently started a YouTube account and they posted a few clips from a recent graduation ceremony that took place in October of 2007. I found Rob Hand and Nick Campion’s speeches to be particularly interesting, as usual. Rob Hand: Kepler College and the Liberal Arts Click here for part 2. Nick Campion

astrology news Video

The Return of the Magi: An Astrological Documentary

An astrologer named Kelly Lee Phipps has been filming a documentary over the past year on astrology called The Return of the Magi. It is sort of a What The Bleep Do We Know-esq documentary with a number of interviews from various astrologers in the field, as well as a running storyline with a narrative […]

history and philosophy of astrology Video

Robert Schmidt on Hellenistic Astrology – part 1

This is the first 10 minutes of a video that was made in August of 2006 by Robert Schmidt of Project Hindsight for a conference in St. Petersburg Russia that he was not able to attend. In it he touches on some basic points concerning the history and origins of Hellenistic astrology. He is talking […]

history and philosophy of astrology Video

The Zodiac of Dendera

I just returned from a three week trip to Paris where I had the good fortune of visiting the Louvre and seeing the Zodiac of Dendera. I went last Saturday night during the Moon-Venus conjunction that could be seen clearly in the night sky in the tropical sign of Cancer. The Zodiac of Dendera (or […]

history and philosophy of astrology Video

Egyptian Astrology and The Naos of the Decades

A couple of months ago my friend went to this exhibit at a museum in Paris that had what is called the Naos of the Decades on display. She took some pics and video clips of it for me because I was totally amazed and surprised to hear that it was on display. The Naos […]