
United Astrology Conference 1986 Documentary

A video was posted online a few days ago by a filmmaker who did a documentary on the 1986 United Astrology Conference (UAC) in San Diego, California. This was the very first time that the three main sponsoring organizations AFAN, ISAR, and the NCGR got together in order to hold a large conference like this. […]

astrology news

New Podcast on Astrology

About a year and a half ago I started a new podcast on astrology called The Astrology Podcast. The purpose of the show is to have discussions about technical, historical and philosophical topics related to astrology. On each show I usually either have another astrologer on as a co-host in order to talk about a […]

astrological tips and guides

Is it Astrologer or Astrologist?

I have noticed that there is sometimes confusion over whether the correct professional designation for a person who practices astrology is “astrologer” or “astrologist.” The purpose of this post is to clear up this issue for those who are uncertain. Let’s get the main point out of the way right from the start: Generally speaking, […]

book reviews

Book Review: Biographical Dictionary of Western Astrologers by James Holden

Biographical Dictionary of Western Astrologers by James Herschel Holden, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, AZ, 2013. Hardcover – 792 pp. – $79.95 (ISBN 0-86690-641-X). Available through James Holden spent the vast majority of his life studying the history of astrology, and his Biographical Dictionary of Western Astrologers represents the culmination of more than 70 […]

history and philosophy of astrology

Top 10 Astrologers of All Time

This is a list of the most famous and most influential astrologers of all time. The list mainly covers astrologers who played an important role in the astrological tradition over the past 3,000 years, and it does not include any astrologers who are still alive today, or who lived relatively recently.  I plan to compile […]

astrological techniques and concepts

Advice for Astrologers: Document Your Lives

One of the best pieces of advice that I could give to people who are just getting into the field of astrology, or to astrologers who are already in the field, is to document your lives.   Document your lives as extensively as possible. Usually this means keeping a journal of some sort in which you […]

astrology news

New Portable Astrology Program for Nintendo DS

In September the video game company Nintendo released a new title in North America for their portable video game console  called Astrology DS. Astrology DS is essential a compact astrology program that runs on Nintendo’s handheld touchscreen video game device called Nintendo DS. The program offers the user a few advanced astrological features such as the […]

astrology news

27 Astrologers Interviewed at NORWAC 2009

27 astrologers were interviewed at the Northwest Astrological Conference (NORWAC) in May of 2009, and MP3s of those interviews were recently released online for free. The podcast series is titled The Art and Science of Astrology, and it can be downloaded at The interviews were conducted by Kent Bye during the course of the […]

astrology humor

Rob Hand Wins Lifetime Achievement Award, Kanye West Interrupts Acceptance Speech

Rob Hand wins the Lifetime Achievement Award at the United Astrological Conference in 2008, but is then unexpectedly interrupted during his acceptance speech…

astrology news

The Traditional Astrology Radio Podcast

One of the up-and-coming trends in the astrological community right now is podcasts and astrologically themed internet radio shows, and at this point my favorite is Traditional Astrology Radio. I began listening to it earlier this year when the original host David Hernández, who is a Medieval astrologer from Puerto Rico, starting featuring interesting interviews […]

astrological techniques and concepts

Nick Dagan Best on Venus and Mars Retrograde Cycles

Back in March of 2007 I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the first Blast Astrology Conference in Sedona, Arizona.  The conference was organized single-handedly by Moses Siregar, and it was a smashing success, bringing together a broad array of both up-and-coming and well-established astrologers as speakers. From my point of view the […]

astrology news

Astrologer Kelly Lee Phipps on Wife Swap Tonight

Astrologer Kelly Lee Phipps and his family agreed to participate in ABC’s popular show Wife Swap a few months ago, and the episode that they are in is set to premiere tonight at 8:00 PM ET.  Kelly, his wife Christine, and their son Adrian are billed as “the new-age Brazenwood family from North Carolina,”and they […]

astrology news

Astrologer Diana Brownstone Featured on Fox News Health

Fox News recently ran a segment on astrology and health that featured New York astrologer Diana Brownstone.  In what has become a somewhat infrequent occurrence, a major news outlet actually did a somewhat favorable story on astrology that actually featured a decent astrologer! I feel somewhat conflicted over the fact that it is Fox News […]

astrology news

CNN Confuses Astrologers With Psychics

CNN has been running a story today about how the difficult economic times have seen a rise in business for “psychics” and “fortune tellers”.   The majority of the segment focuses on an interview with an astrologer named Randy Goldberg, although for some reason they later transition into talking about the ‘American Association for Psychics’ […]