book reviews

My Book on Ancient Astrology Has Been Released!

I am pleased to announce that my long-awaited book on ancient astrology has finally been released, and it is titled Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune. The book was actually published in February, but the past couple of months of getting it out and promoting it have been kind of hectic, and so […]

astrology news

Mountain Astrologer Features Hellenistic Astrology

The latest issue of The Mountain Astrologer magazine features part 2 of my series titled An Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology. In the first part of the series, which appeared earlier this year in the February/March issue, I covered the basic concepts of Hellenistic astrology, focusing on the ancient approach to the planets, signs, houses and […]


New Time-Lord Class Launched

I recently launched a new module for the Hellenistic time-lord technique Zodiacal Releasing on my online course site. Since I just launched the module, the introductory price is only $30 to sign up. This price will go up at some point in the future, after the first round of students. Zodiacal Releasing is a time-lord […]

astrological techniques and concepts

How the Classical Planets Came to Rule Two Signs

Several years ago I made this animation which depicts the story of how the five classical planets came to rule two signs of the zodiac each. It is loosely based on a Medieval Persian story that centers around the Thema Mundi, which is the mythical horoscope for the birth of the world. The Thema Mundi […]

book reviews

Book Review: Rhetorius the Egyptian, translated by James Holden

Rhetorius the Egyptian, Astrological Compendium Containing His Explanation and Narration of the Whole Art of Astrology, translated by James Holden, American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, AZ, May 21, 2009. Available through The phrase “Hellenistic astrology” has come to be used in contemporary historical discussions to designate a tradition of astrology that appeared in the […]

astrology news

The Traditional Astrology Radio Podcast

One of the up-and-coming trends in the astrological community right now is podcasts and astrologically themed internet radio shows, and at this point my favorite is Traditional Astrology Radio. I began listening to it earlier this year when the original host David Hernández, who is a Medieval astrologer from Puerto Rico, starting featuring interesting interviews […]

featured articles featured video Video

The History of Western Astrology

I made a video today which outlines the history of western astrology in 10 minutes.  It is ten  minutes long because that is the restriction for all YouTube videos, although I covered quite a bit of ground in such a short clip. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, although I was surprised […]

history and philosophy of astrology

The Antikythera Mechanism Was Used for Astrology

In 1901 a group of sponge divers discovered a complex mechanical device lying at the bottom of the ocean, just off the coast of a Greek island named Antikythera.   The device subsequently became known as the Antikythera mechanism. It was found amongst the remains of a shipwreck that took place sometime around the early 1st […]

history and philosophy of astrology

The Transmission of Hellenistic Astrology to India

Over the course of the past century researchers have discovered that Hellenistic astrology was transmitted to India sometime around the 2nd century CE. Inklings of this transmission were noted in the late 19th century, for example by the historian August Bouché-Leclercq in his 1899 work L’astrologie grec, although it was not until the middle part […]

book reviews

Book Review: Astrology and the Authentic Self by Demetra George

A review of Demetra George’s recent book Astrology and the Authentic Self. In the book Demetra outlines a practical synthesis of modern and traditional astrology.

astrological techniques and concepts featured articles

The Astrology of Sect

An important concept in the Hellenistic astrological tradition that did not survive into modern times is the distinction between day and night charts, which is associated with a technical concept known as “sect.” In this article I will provide an introduction to concept of sect, and demonstrate how it is used in astrology. The term […]

history and philosophy of astrology

The Questionable Origins of the Exaltations in Astrology

Current academic scholarship tells us that the exaltations are one of the few techniques that were directly inherited and incorporated into the Hellenistic system from the Mesopotamian tradition of astrology, and at the present time this transmission is assumed to have occurred by the majority of historians in the field, both astrologer and academic alike.[1] […]

astrology news

New Website for Hellenistic Astrology Launched at

Last week I noticed that the domain was open so I decided to buy it before some other domain name headhunters did, and so one thing led to another and I ended up launching a website dedicated to Hellenistic astrology.  The main purpose of this website is to help spur the revival of Hellenistic […]

astrology news

Hellenistic Astrology Course Endorsement

I just received an email from a former student of mine a couple of days ago who recorded a video endorsing my Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology Course. Since I am starting a new group of students in the course this week I thought that I would take this opportunity to promote the class a bit […]