astrology news

New Issue of the Tradition Journal Released

The second issue of the Tradition journal was just released a few days ago, and it has a really interesting collection of articles related to traditional astrology.  The journal was started last fall by Helena Avelar, Luís Ribeiro and Sue Ward, and you can download the first issue of the journal as a PDF file […]

astrology news

House System Poll & Rectification Research Project

The Academy of Astrology and The Tradition journal recently announced two new research projects that they are working on in order to conduct studies within the astrological community. The first project is an online house system poll in order to get an idea of what system of house division different types of astrologers use.  The […]

astrological techniques and concepts featured articles

Whole Sign Houses

The purpose of this article is to give an overview of a form of house division used in western astrology called whole sign houses. Whole sign houses is the oldest form of house division, originating sometime around the 1st century BCE as a part of the Greco-Roman tradition of astrology known as Hellenistic astrology. Despite […]