astrology news

Top 5 Astrology Transits for 2018

I recently released a new set of posters that depict the astrology of 2018, and while I was working on creating those it gave me some time to reflect on the major planetary alignments that will happen over the course of the next year. In this post I want to highlight the top 5 transits […]

astrology news

Sarkozy Wins French Election, Astrolger Unsurprised

I have been in Paris since May 1st visiting my girlfriend and following the final days of the presidential election here. Back in December my girlfriend asked me who I thought would win the presidential election and I remember looking at the charts and thinking pretty quickly that Sarkozy would take the election because he […]

astrology news

Sarkozy Wins Round One, Victory Predetermined

(Credits to J. & G. on Flickr for the photo of Sarkozy) The first round of voting took place today in France for the 2007 presidential election, and not surprisingly the right-wing candidate Nicolas Sarkozy has taken the lead according to the current reports as of Sunday night, with his socialist rival Segolene Royal trailing […]

astrology news

Prince William and Kate Middleton: Star-Crossed Lovers

Earlier this year there was a lot of speculation from the press that Prince William was about to get married to his longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton. A lot of the speculation centered around a rumored marriage date of sometime in late June or so. Then just last week on April 14th The Sun broke the […]

astrology news

The Astrology of the French Presidential Election

According to Wikipedia The 2007 French presidential election will be the ninth such election of the Fifth French Republic. It is assumed that the first round of voting will take place on Sunday, April 22, 2007, with a second round (if necessary, which usually is the case) on Sunday, May 6, 2007. Apparently the two […]