book reviews

My Book on Ancient Astrology Has Been Released!

I am pleased to announce that my long-awaited book on ancient astrology has finally been released, and it is titled Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune. The book was actually published in February, but the past couple of months of getting it out and promoting it have been kind of hectic, and so […]

astrological tips and guides featured articles

Five Tips for Birth Chart Rectification

The type of astrology that most western astrologers practice, horoscopic astrology, requires an exact birth time in order to work properly.  That is to say, you need the time of a person’s birth in order to cast a complete natal chart that includes all of the factors that an astrologer would normally take into account […]

astrology news

Deborah Houlding’s Tough Interview Questions For Astrologers

By ‘tough’ I mean questions that involve Deborah Houlding sneaking up on astrologers at conferences and asking them a series of quickfire questions in rapid succession, sometimes only after alcohol has been consumed.  The results can be kind of hilarious though. A few months ago she conducted a bunch of these ‘interviews’ in the U.S. […]

astrological techniques and concepts astrological tips and guides featured articles

10 Tips for Electional Astrology

Ten important tips for choosing an auspicious electional chart for starting a new venture or undertaking.

astrological techniques and concepts featured articles

The Astrology of Sect

An important concept in the Hellenistic astrological tradition that did not survive into modern times is the distinction between day and night charts, which is associated with a technical concept known as “sect.” In this article I will provide an introduction to concept of sect, and demonstrate how it is used in astrology. The term […]

history and philosophy of astrology

A Reply to Glenn Perry’s Article ‘From Ancient to Postmodern Astrology’

I just finished reading a surprisingly misinformed article by Glenn Perry in the latest issue of the NCGR Journal titled From Ancient to Postmodern Astrology, Toward a New Synthesis. Normally I would just let the uninformed ramblings of some random astrologer pass by without taking much notice and then continue on about my day, but […]

astrological techniques and concepts

Benefic and Malefic Planets in Astrology

In addition to the basic significations of each the seven visible planets, each is also assigned a somewhat intrinsic status as a natural ‘benefic’ or ‘malefic’, or a planet may attain such status functionally due to its condition and placement in a chart. The term ‘benefic’ is derived from the Greek term agathopoios which literally […]