

Chris BrennanMy name is Chris Brennan, and I’m a practicing astrologer from Denver, Colorado. I was educated at Kepler College, formerly Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences, and my background is primarily in the history and transmission of astrology. I am the former President of the Association for Young Astrologers, as well as the former Research Director of the National Council for Geocosmic Research. There is more biographical information about me available on my website

Occasionally I have guest writers who write articles for the blog, and each of these guest posts has a link back to the author’s website where you can find out more information about them.

My Approach to Astrology

My background is in modern western astrology, although at this point I also specialize in Hellenistic astrology, which is the original form of horoscopic astrology.

All charts that appear on this blog are delineated using whole sign houses, the tropical zodiac, traditional rulerships, the Dorothean triplicity lords, and occasionally the Egyptian terms.

What Is Horoscopic Astrology?

Horoscopic astrology is a very specific and advanced type of astrology that was developed in Egypt sometime around the 1st century BCE, subsequently flourishing in different parts of the world over the course of the past 2,000 years.

More specifically, horoscopic astrology is any form of astrology that utilizes the ascendant, as well as things derived from the ascendant such as “houses” and “lots.”  This designation applies to a number of different forms of astrology, including the Hellenistic, Indian, Medieval, and Modern traditions of astrology, all of which I discuss here on this blog.

For more information please see my article on horoscopic astrology.

What is the Purpose of the Blog?

The general goal of this blog is to post news and information for people who are either interested in astrology, or are just learning about the subject. So, essentially the target audience is astrologers, astrological enthusiasts, and students of astrology.

My articles are broken up into different categories, with some focusing on practical techniques and concepts, and others focusing on astrology related news, book reviews, events happening in the astrological community, and articles on the history and philosophy of astrology. My interests are rather eclectic, and I think that this is displayed pretty well in my blog.

My hope is to create a useful resource that different types of astrologers can return to often for news, information and opinions about various subjects.

Subscribing to the Blog

I try to post new articles frequently, although sometimes there are periods when I’m focused on other projects and my posting becomes more erratic.  Usually the best way to follow the blog and find out when there are new articles is to subscribe.  There are two options for subscribing:

Subscribe by Email: Using this method all you have to do is enter your email address, and then whenever a new article is published on the blog it will be delivered directly to your inbox.  New articles are always sent out automatically in the morning in my timezone here in Denver.

Subscribe by via RSS: Using this method you can subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed, so you see any new articles show up automatically in your RSS reader as soon as they are published.

Alternatively, you can also follow the Horoscopic Astrology Blog on Facebook, or follow my account on Twitter where I often post new article announcements as well as other links to interesting astrology sites and news.

Consultations and Classes

I also offer private astrological consultations and classes through my astrological consulting website.  If you are interested in setting up an appointment for an astrological consultation then please see the astrological services section of my website.  Here are some of the services that I offer:

If you would like to learn more about some of the astrological techniques that I employ here on this blog then please see the courses section of my website where I offer online courses in astrology as well as private tutoring.  Here are some of the classes that I’m currently offering:

Contact Information

If you would like to contact me for any reason then please send me an email at the following address:

5 replies on “About”

Hi Chris, strangely enough Ben Franklin came up on one of the astrology mailing lists and the source of the claim that guy/gal made was validated, at least around Ben Franklin (see my blog).

Thanks very much for stopping by… you class the place up. 🙂

Also, I live in Aurora. I must have mentioned this before, right? Well it not, I do. 🙂
Thanks again

Hi, Chris.
Your site is phenomenal. Best one I’ve seen so far.
This is going to sound crazy, but what things can you do with a degree in astrology? I already have a degree in communications and didn’t know if I could apply it to astrology or use an astrology degree with it? What are other jobs for it? I’m a writer/promoter currently and I am interested in switching fields, doing something more “me.”

Thank you.

Ηi Chris!

I’ve began some years ago reading about astrology, and i admit that the subject is very interesting. Yesterday, as i was looking around the blogs, i accidentally fell to
From a first point of view, i think that you are doing very good work here and i’m going to visit you often.

Ι am editor member in a Greek astrological forum, from which i began to “study” astrology. If yοu would like to take a look, even though it’ s in greek language, just visit

Well, i noticed that you have been studying Hellenistic astrology in your blog. Unfortunately, i do not read Koine. 😀
I hope that we can have a great conversation from here!

It is nice to meet you astropeleki! Thanks for you kind word about my blog. Yours is looking pretty nice as well! The Greek website that you edit looks pretty interesting. I can understand some of it based on my rather minimal knowledge of Koine. Do you read any Koine?

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