astrology news

Interview with Danny Buday, Director of Five Star Day

Last year I heard that a new astrology-themed movie called Five Star Day had recently premiered at a film festival in California, and I’m pleased to announce that the movie finally opened in theaters today. In the movie the main character is on a mission to disprove astrology by comparing his experience of a specific […]

astrology news

New Astrology Themed Movie, Five Star Day, Premieres

A new astrologically themed movie called Five Star Day premiered yesterday at the Newport Beach Film Festival in California. Unlike the romantic comedy that came out in India last year titled What’s Your Rasshee, Five Star Day is a more serious drama that appears to incorporate astrological concepts into the film’s narrative at more than […]

astrology news

“What’s Your Raashee?”, A Romantic Comedy Based on Astrology

Ever wanted to see a romantic comedy that involves astrology as one of its main plot devices?  If so, then you are in luck! A new movie came out in India a few months ago called What’s Your Raashee?.  ‘Raashee’ is the term used by Indian astrologers to refer to a sign of the zodiac, […]

astrology news Video

The Return of the Magi: An Astrological Documentary

An astrologer named Kelly Lee Phipps has been filming a documentary over the past year on astrology called The Return of the Magi. It is sort of a What The Bleep Do We Know-esq documentary with a number of interviews from various astrologers in the field, as well as a running storyline with a narrative […]