astrological techniques and concepts

The Definition of Astrology

What is the definition of astrology? If you search around the internet for a few minutes you will find a number of different definitions. Unfortunately most of them are wrong. They are wrong in the sense that they do not accurately reflect the way in which many astrologers conceptualize and subsequently define their own subject. […]

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The History of Western Astrology

I made a video today which outlines the history of western astrology in 10 minutes.  It is ten  minutes long because that is the restriction for all YouTube videos, although I covered quite a bit of ground in such a short clip. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, although I was surprised […]

history and philosophy of astrology

10 Questions About Astrology from a Skeptic

A couple of years ago I got into this argument on a forum with this skeptic who was attacking astrology. I didn’t realize it initially, but the guy was actually more interested in ridiculing me than he was in having a serious debate about astrology. He clearly didn’t know very much about the subject, despite […]