astrological techniques and concepts

Hard Venus-Pluto Aspects in Relationships

I was reading some random blogs tonight when I came across a video that provides a pretty compelling illustration of what hard aspects between Venus and Pluto are like in relationships.  By hard aspects I mean the conjunction, square and especially the opposition. Such a configuration is usually most relevant in a relationship when it […]

astrology news

NPR Covers Pluto Ingress Into Capricorn, Does Hatchet Job

A few days ago National Public Radio (NPR) did a piece on astrology that focused on the recent ingress of Pluto into Capricorn and its relevance to the economy.  That is how it starts out at least, although the tone of the segment and the demeanor of the guy who did the interview came off […]

astrological techniques and concepts

The Outer Planets in Astrology: To Use or Not to Use?

The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and yes, Pluto, are often overplayed in modern astrological delineations. They are overplayed in the sense that they are often the first thing that a modern astrologer will look at in any chart delineation, and it is often the case that without the outer planets a modern astrologer will consider […]