
Video Showing Asteroids Discovered Since 1980

This video is making the rounds on the internet right now which depicts all of the asteroid discoveries that have been made since 1980.

I though that I would post it here, since asteroids have become a major source of interest for many modern astrologers over the past three decades or so, basically since the early 80’s.

It is best to watch the video on YouTube in high definition, full screen and with your sound turned on, although I also have it embedded below as well:

The relevance of asteroids to astrology is kind of a controversial issue, with some modern astrologers finding ways to employ them in chart delineations, and other astrologers declining to.   One of the issues that this video emphasizes rather well is that there are just so many of them, and it is kind of hard to see how they could all be relevant in an astrological context.  According to the author of the video

Currently we have observed over half a million minor planets, and the discovery rates show no sign that we’re running out of undiscovered objects, scientific estimates suggest that there are about a billion asteroids larger than 100metres (about the size of a football field) .

I just finished editing the first issue of the new NCGR Research Journal (which will be out in a few weeks!), and Demetra George has a really good article in it that outlines the history, philosophy and techniques behind the study of asteroids in astrology.  In the article she makes the argument that if the basic premise of astrology is that there is a correlation between celestial and earthly events, and this is why astrologers study the planets, then it would be theoretically inconsistent to simply ignore minor bodies like the asteroids.    That is to say, the basic premise of astrology would imply that the asteroids should have some sort of relevance in charts.

Now, personally, I don’t really use the asteroids in my own practice.  Its not that I don’t think that they might be able to provide some interesting information, as I have seen some interesting things done with them, but I just don’t think that they are as important as the planets.   There is so much information to be gained from the study of the planets, it seems like the asteroids are almost irrelevant in comparison.  They certainly don’t deserve the level of hype that some astrologers having given them lately, where they become elevated almost to the same status as planets in chart delineations.

That is just my own perspective though, and I don’t begrudge those who are interested in experimenting with new celestial objects.   Just keep things in perspective, and don’t let it get out of hand, ok guys?  That’s all I’m saying.

6 replies on “Video Showing Asteroids Discovered Since 1980”

We can’t all study everything. Some of us have affinity for different areas, use the tools in different ways. Asteroids may not be the first tool I reach for, but on occasion I might find the view from Pallas Athene or Eros or Hygeia illuminating. They may add a dimension or answer a question or offer a perspective that deepens my understanding of the chart I am working with. If there is a resource available because someone else has applied themselves to that field then that makes me a happy little Gem Moon. 🙂

I really like what Tania said.

I do like to check out the asteroids; partly because my mentors use them and partly because they can be quite illuminating.

Enjoyed this post, Chris. And love the resonable note with which it ends.

To be clear, Demetra’s position, as I understand it, is: SOME asteroids are important, particularly the big 4 (whom I call the “exiled Olympians”) and the ones which fall conjunct the chart Angles and the Sun, Moon, Asc ruler. Practically speaking, in any given chart that is like 10 or so ( a far cry from half a million)

The REAL question here, quite literally, is: Does size matter in Astrology?

Given the Deepwater Horizon event on the day of Chiron’s ingress to Pisces, I’m beginning to think that physical size matters much less than the Mythic Space which an archetype takes up.

In fact, this is the very same argument used to “defend” Pluto from the recent astronomical re-classification.

You can’t have it both ways. If Pluto matters despite his physical size, then so do many others

I’m familiar with Demetra’s system, and I have no problem with it, even if it is not the one I follow. I was not referring to her when I mentioned people who overemphasize the importance of the asteroids to the detriment of the planets.

The Research Journal will be mailed out to members of the NCGR over the course of the next week or so. After that, copies should be available for order through the NCGR website.

I will probably put an announcement up on the blog once I have copies in hand and I know that they can be ordered through the website.