astrological techniques and concepts moved to

After about a month of concocting various elaborate schemes in order to get the old address of this blog back (, I eventually decided to just get a new domain. So, the title and location of this blog has changed. I’m now calling it the Horoscopic Astrology Blog, and it can be located at Please update your links and bookmarks!

When I first started this blog I used the term ‘apotelesmatics’, from the Greek apotelesma (αποτέλεσμα), because it conveyed the notion that the focus of astrology was the study of ‘outcomes’, and originally I had planned on making the blog more prediction oriented. As the blog gradually matured my coverage of astrology began to diversify a bit though, and it is in that spirit that I chose the new domain name.

Hopefully this will be a positive transformation of the blog and I can get back to posting regularly in the near future. In the meantime I wanted to thank all of my readers for your support through various comments and private emails. I’m still in the process of getting settled into the new domain, but everything should be in good working order shortly. Stay tuned for future developments.

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