astrology news

New Issue of the Tradition Journal Released

The second issue of the Tradition journal was just released a few days ago, and it has a really interesting collection of articles related to traditional astrology.  The journal was started last fall by Helena Avelar, Luís Ribeiro and Sue Ward, and you can download the first issue of the journal as a PDF file for free on the Tradition website.

You have to pay a subscription fee in order to download the second issue of the Tradtition that was just released, but the price is only a paltry 5 Euros ($6.50± USD) through PayPal, and all of the proceeds are donated to charity.  So, not only are you able to download and read an excellent collection of articles and research on traditional astrology, but in the process you are actually making a donation to a worthwhile cause.

The latest issue of the journal starts off with a short piece related the house division poll that they are currently conducting, with statements from a number of astrologers about which system of house division they prefer and why.  They ended up publishing my response to some of the questions that were asked about the matter, and my article on the theoretical rationale underlying the seven Hermetic lots in Paul of Alexandria was also published later in the journal.

I’m interested to see what people think of the reconstructed rationale that I proposed in the article, as it is something that I’ve been working on for a while now, but this is the first time that the argument has appeared in print anywhere.  A full listing of all of the articles included in the journal is available on their website.

Helena, Luís and Sue have done a fantastic job in putting the journal together, so I would highly recommend checking it out if you have a chance.  They are already in the process of starting to pull together articles for the next issue of the journal in the fall, and I look forward to seeing what they come up with in the future.