astrological techniques and concepts featured articles

The Tropical, Sidereal and Constellational Zodiacs

Over the past few weeks there has been a lot of discussion about the zodiac in the mainstream media. Unfortunately most of it has been misinformation and false reports, deliberately designed to make people question the validity of astrology. In order to set the record straight, I’m writing a two part series of articles on […]

astrological techniques and concepts

How the Classical Planets Came to Rule Two Signs

Several years ago I made this animation which depicts the story of how the five classical planets came to rule two signs of the zodiac each. It is loosely based on a Medieval Persian story that centers around the Thema Mundi, which is the mythical horoscope for the birth of the world. The Thema Mundi […]

astrology news

“What’s Your Raashee?”, A Romantic Comedy Based on Astrology

Ever wanted to see a romantic comedy that involves astrology as one of its main plot devices?  If so, then you are in luck! A new movie came out in India a few months ago called What’s Your Raashee?.  ‘Raashee’ is the term used by Indian astrologers to refer to a sign of the zodiac, […]

astrological techniques and concepts

Zodiac Artwork

I recently came across some really beautiful astrologically themed artwork by an artist named Mindy Sommers, and I wanted to post some of it here because I was particularly impressed by it. I took the liberty of adding the Greek names for each of the signs, along with a literal translation of what each name […]

history and philosophy of astrology

10 Questions About Astrology from a Skeptic

A couple of years ago I got into this argument on a forum with this skeptic who was attacking astrology. I didn’t realize it initially, but the guy was actually more interested in ridiculing me than he was in having a serious debate about astrology. He clearly didn’t know very much about the subject, despite […]

history and philosophy of astrology Video

The Zodiac of Dendera

I just returned from a three week trip to Paris where I had the good fortune of visiting the Louvre and seeing the Zodiac of Dendera. I went last Saturday night during the Moon-Venus conjunction that could be seen clearly in the night sky in the tropical sign of Cancer. The Zodiac of Dendera (or […]