astrological techniques and concepts

The Thema Mundi

The origin of the traditional system of zodiacal sign rulerships lies is the mythical horoscope for the birth of the world known as the Thema Mundi.  The Thema Mundi was used as a teaching tool or a conceptual device in Hellenistic astrology, and in that system it provided the rationale for sign rulership, the exaltations, […]

history and philosophy of astrology Video

The Zodiac of Dendera

I just returned from a three week trip to Paris where I had the good fortune of visiting the Louvre and seeing the Zodiac of Dendera. I went last Saturday night during the Moon-Venus conjunction that could be seen clearly in the night sky in the tropical sign of Cancer. The Zodiac of Dendera (or […]

history and philosophy of astrology Video

Egyptian Astrology and The Naos of the Decades

A couple of months ago my friend went to this exhibit at a museum in Paris that had what is called the Naos of the Decades on display. She took some pics and video clips of it for me because I was totally amazed and surprised to hear that it was on display. The Naos […]