astrology news

The History Channel Airs an Episode on Astrology

Yesterday the History Channel aired an hour-long episode of its series The Universe: Ancient Mysteries Solved that focused entirely on astrology. The episode was not so much about the history of astrology as it was on debates about the validity of the subject in modern times. I had a lot of trepidation going into it […]

astrological tips and guides

Is it Astrologer or Astrologist?

I have noticed that there is sometimes confusion over whether the correct professional designation for a person who practices astrology is “astrologer” or “astrologist.” The purpose of this post is to clear up this issue for those who are uncertain. Let’s get the main point out of the way right from the start: Generally speaking, […]

astrological techniques and concepts

The Definition of Astrology

What is the definition of astrology? If you search around the internet for a few minutes you will find a number of different definitions. Unfortunately most of them are wrong. They are wrong in the sense that they do not accurately reflect the way in which many astrologers conceptualize and subsequently define their own subject. […]

astrological techniques and concepts featured articles

The Tropical, Sidereal and Constellational Zodiacs

Over the past few weeks there has been a lot of discussion about the zodiac in the mainstream media. Unfortunately most of it has been misinformation and false reports, deliberately designed to make people question the validity of astrology. In order to set the record straight, I’m writing a two part series of articles on […]

astrology news

New Poll Says 25 Percent of Americans Believe in Astrology

A new poll was released recently by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life which indicates that approximately 25% of Americans “believe” in astrology. The poll was part of a larger study on the religious beliefs of Americans which found that not only are New Age and Eastern beliefs widespread, but that […]

astrology news

31 Percent of Americans “Believe” in Astrology

A new Harris Poll was released yesterday in which 31 percent of respondents said that they “believed” in astrology. 51 percent said that they don’t believe in it, while 18 percent said that they were not sure. The poll was apparently conducted online with 2,126 Americans between November 10th and the 17th, 2008. I noticed […]

astrology news Video

Lee Lehman on Astrology as a Civil Rights Issue

Lee Lehman gave an interesting speech at a recent Kepler College graduation ceremony in Seattle in October in which she drew parallels between the astrological community and the LGBT community, arguing that astrologers face a similar type of political discrimination as homosexuals do. During the course of the speech she pointed out a number of […]

astrology news Video

Nick Dagan Best On Astrology

My friend Nick Dagan Best has a new video up on Youtube from his interview in the forthcoming documentary Return of the Magi. It is a rather insightful look into the the views and the practices of a contemporary astrologer.  If you are not very familiar with astrology, or you don’t know much about how […]

history and philosophy of astrology

Richard Dawkins’ Coverage of Astrology in Enemies of Reason

I came across a clip today from Richard Dawkin’s new documentary titled Enemies of Reason in which he attacks a number of paranormal fields, including astrology. Dawkins brings out the usual modern arguments against the subject that have been recycled over and over again over the past couple of decades, mainly focusing on Sun-sign columns […]

history and philosophy of astrology

10 Questions About Astrology from a Skeptic

A couple of years ago I got into this argument on a forum with this skeptic who was attacking astrology. I didn’t realize it initially, but the guy was actually more interested in ridiculing me than he was in having a serious debate about astrology. He clearly didn’t know very much about the subject, despite […]