astrological techniques and concepts

An Example of a Horary Astrology Question

Last week I went to Sedona, Arizona in order to speak at the Blast astrology conference.  The conference itself was great.  It was divided up so that each day was a focused on a different astrological tradition (i.e. Hellenistic, Indian, Medieval, Modern, etc.).  I gave three lectures on the Hellenistic track on the first day […]

history and philosophy of astrology

Fate, Free Will and Determinism in Astrology

I’ve been of the opinion for a while now that astrology is fundamentally deterministic, and that the majority of astrologers approach the subject with a more or less deterministic mindset, whether they consciously acknowledge it or not. In fact, the vast majority of astrologers seldom even realize just how deterministic their unspoken assumptions about astrology […]

history and philosophy of astrology

Ignorance Is Bliss

So this girl that I work with approaches me the other day and tells me that she needs my help. She is obviously distressed about whatever the matter is, and for some reason she thinks that I can do something to help her. I asked her what the problem was, and she basically said, in […]

history and philosophy of astrology

Vettius Valens

Vettius Valens was a Roman astrologer who was conceived on May 13, 119 CE, and born on February 8, 120 in the city of Antioch, which is now modern day Antakya, Turkey.  Today Valens is known for his encyclopedic 9 book astrological textbook the Anthology (Ἀνθολογίαι). Although he was originally from Antioch, at one point […]

history and philosophy of astrology

Controlling the Effects of Planetary Influences

A while back a woman on the Horoscopic Astrology Group forum said: My Leo Moon is driving me crazy. It’s always makin me lash out or take my emotions to extreems. My Moon Squaring Uranus and Sun Squaring Neptune just makes everything worse. So my question is, how can we control the planetary influences in […]

history and philosophy of astrology

My current philosophical views on astrology

My own views on astrology have been drifting towards a more Platonic and Stoic model of astrology since I started attending Kepler College a few years ago. At some point in Nick Campion’s book Astrology, History and Apocalypse he points out that astrologers have historically tended towards either a sort of Aristotelian causal model of […]