astrological tips and guides featured articles

Five Tips for Birth Chart Rectification

The type of astrology that most western astrologers practice, horoscopic astrology, requires an exact birth time in order to work properly.  That is to say, you need the time of a person’s birth in order to cast a complete natal chart that includes all of the factors that an astrologer would normally take into account […]

astrology news

House System Poll & Rectification Research Project

The Academy of Astrology and The Tradition journal recently announced two new research projects that they are working on in order to conduct studies within the astrological community. The first project is an online house system poll in order to get an idea of what system of house division different types of astrologers use.  The […]

astrological tips and guides

Tips For Writing A Sun-sign Astrology Column

At one point or another, many astrologers and astrology enthusiasts try their hand at writing a Sun-sign column. If you’re thinking of trying your hand at it, here are a few tips:

astrology news

Whole Sign Houses Now Available on

Many of the younger and newer generations of astrologers that have recently entered into the field in the past decade or so are aware of the importance of Astrodienst ( For many people, such as myself, Astrodienst has played a pivotal role in facilitating the study of astrology through the many services that the company […]

book reviews

Book Review: A Brief History of Ancient Astrology by Roger Beck

It is not the purpose of this article to give a full review of Roger Beck’s new book on Hellenistic astrology titled A Brief History of Ancient Astrology. The major shortcomings of the book, as well as most of the issues that I have with it, have already been addressed in detail by Deborah Houlding […]

astrological techniques and concepts featured articles

Whole Sign Houses

The purpose of this article is to give an overview of a form of house division used in western astrology called whole sign houses. Whole sign houses is the oldest form of house division, originating sometime around the 1st century BCE as a part of the Greco-Roman tradition of astrology known as Hellenistic astrology. Despite […]