astrology news

Rachel Maddow Talks About Mercury Retrograde on MSNBC

The astrological community is abuzz today after political commentator Rachel Maddow discussed the current Mercury retrograde period last night on her popular television show on MSNBC, The Rachel Maddow Show. Mercury has been retrograde since December 26th, and in a brief segment Maddow highlighted some of the wacky Mercury retrograde-esq things that have happened in […]

astrology news

Astrologer Diana Brownstone Featured on Fox News Health

Fox News recently ran a segment on astrology and health that featured New York astrologer Diana Brownstone.  In what has become a somewhat infrequent occurrence, a major news outlet actually did a somewhat favorable story on astrology that actually featured a decent astrologer! I feel somewhat conflicted over the fact that it is Fox News […]