astrological techniques and concepts

How the Classical Planets Came to Rule Two Signs

Several years ago I made this animation which depicts the story of how the five classical planets came to rule two signs of the zodiac each. It is loosely based on a Medieval Persian story that centers around the Thema Mundi, which is the mythical horoscope for the birth of the world. The Thema Mundi […]

astrological tips and guides featured articles

Five Tips for Birth Chart Rectification

The type of astrology that most western astrologers practice, horoscopic astrology, requires an exact birth time in order to work properly.  That is to say, you need the time of a person’s birth in order to cast a complete natal chart that includes all of the factors that an astrologer would normally take into account […]

astrological techniques and concepts astrological tips and guides featured articles

10 Tips for Electional Astrology

Ten important tips for choosing an auspicious electional chart for starting a new venture or undertaking.

astrological techniques and concepts

The Outer Planets in Astrology: To Use or Not to Use?

The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and yes, Pluto, are often overplayed in modern astrological delineations. They are overplayed in the sense that they are often the first thing that a modern astrologer will look at in any chart delineation, and it is often the case that without the outer planets a modern astrologer will consider […]

astrological techniques and concepts

The Thema Mundi

The origin of the traditional system of zodiacal sign rulerships lies is the mythical horoscope for the birth of the world known as the Thema Mundi.  The Thema Mundi was used as a teaching tool or a conceptual device in Hellenistic astrology, and in that system it provided the rationale for sign rulership, the exaltations, […]