astrology news

Top 5 Astrology Transits for 2018

I recently released a new set of posters that depict the astrology of 2018, and while I was working on creating those it gave me some time to reflect on the major planetary alignments that will happen over the course of the next year. In this post I want to highlight the top 5 transits […]

astrology news

New Blog on Saturn Returns

I recently launched a new blog dedicated to Saturn returns called Saturn Return Stories. The purpose of the blog is to highlight real life stories about what happens when people go through their Saturn returns. Most of the stories tend to focus on the first Saturn return, which occurs for everyone between the ages of […]

astrology news

Sarkozy Wins French Election, Astrolger Unsurprised

I have been in Paris since May 1st visiting my girlfriend and following the final days of the presidential election here. Back in December my girlfriend asked me who I thought would win the presidential election and I remember looking at the charts and thinking pretty quickly that Sarkozy would take the election because he […]