book reviews

My Book on Ancient Astrology Has Been Released!

I am pleased to announce that my long-awaited book on ancient astrology has finally been released, and it is titled Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune. The book was actually published in February, but the past couple of months of getting it out and promoting it have been kind of hectic, and so […]

astrology news

Political Astrology Blog Launched

I’m pleased to announce that Patrick Watson and I recently launched the Political Astrology Blog. It is going to be a frequently updated resource with news and articles related to the vast subject of political astrology. Patrick has already published some really great articles  on the blog over the past couple of weeks, including an […]

astrology news

Celebrity Astrology Blog Launched

As visitors to this blog may have noticed over the past week or so, I recently launched a new astrology blog dedicated to following celebrities with my friend Patrick Watson.  Surprisingly enough, we call it the Celebrity Astrology Blog. We were actually planning on holding off on announcing the new blog for a while so […]