astrology news

Rachel Maddow Talks About Mercury Retrograde on MSNBC

The astrological community is abuzz today after political commentator Rachel Maddow discussed the current Mercury retrograde period last night on her popular television show on MSNBC, The Rachel Maddow Show. Mercury has been retrograde since December 26th, and in a brief segment Maddow highlighted some of the wacky Mercury retrograde-esq things that have happened in […]

astrology news

CNN Confuses Astrologers With Psychics

CNN has been running a story today about how the difficult economic times have seen a rise in business for “psychics” and “fortune tellers”.   The majority of the segment focuses on an interview with an astrologer named Randy Goldberg, although for some reason they later transition into talking about the ‘American Association for Psychics’ […]

astrology news

CNN Mocks Astrologer

I’ve been getting the vibe over the past few months that CNN isn’t very keen on astrology. It has almost become a regular occurrence at this point that every few months there will be some sort of snarky headline about astrology on the front page of their website. I guess that I’m not really particularly […]