astrological techniques and concepts

An Example of a Horary Astrology Question

Last week I went to Sedona, Arizona in order to speak at the Blast astrology conference.  The conference itself was great.  It was divided up so that each day was a focused on a different astrological tradition (i.e. Hellenistic, Indian, Medieval, Modern, etc.).  I gave three lectures on the Hellenistic track on the first day […]

astrological techniques and concepts

Solar Eclipse in Leo

A solar eclipse occurred today in the tropical sign of Leo. Eclipses were traditionally seen as generally negative celestial omens since the luminaries which provide light and heat to the world are obscured during these times. For example, with the solar eclipse today the light of the Sun was completely blocked out and there was […]

astrological techniques and concepts moved to

After about a month of concocting various elaborate schemes in order to get the old address of this blog back (, I eventually decided to just get a new domain. So, the title and location of this blog has changed. I’m now calling it the Horoscopic Astrology Blog, and it can be located at […]

astrological techniques and concepts

Firdaria: A Medieval Time Lord System

I came across an interesting website today called which provides free calculations for the medieval-era time-lord system known as Firdaria (Firdariyyah). This system, like all time-lord systems, breaks up a person’s life into specific sections or chapters that are each ruled by one of the seven traditional planets. The nature of the planet and […]

astrological techniques and concepts

Benefic and Malefic Planets in Astrology

In addition to the basic significations of each the seven visible planets, each is also assigned a somewhat intrinsic status as a natural ‘benefic’ or ‘malefic’, or a planet may attain such status functionally due to its condition and placement in a chart. The term ‘benefic’ is derived from the Greek term agathopoios which literally […]

astrological techniques and concepts

The Thema Mundi

The origin of the traditional system of zodiacal sign rulerships lies is the mythical horoscope for the birth of the world known as the Thema Mundi.  The Thema Mundi was used as a teaching tool or a conceptual device in Hellenistic astrology, and in that system it provided the rationale for sign rulership, the exaltations, […]

astrological techniques and concepts featured articles

Whole Sign Houses

The purpose of this article is to give an overview of a form of house division used in western astrology called whole sign houses. Whole sign houses is the oldest form of house division, originating sometime around the 1st century BCE as a part of the Greco-Roman tradition of astrology known as Hellenistic astrology. Despite […]

astrological techniques and concepts

Electional Astrology: Auspicious Alignment on Saturday

Like many astrologers I try to keep an eye out for especially auspicious periods in the future to begin projects. This is what is generally known as electional astrology; the application of astrological principles to determine an auspicious moment to begin a venture or undertaking. Sometimes circumstance only allows you to make the best of […]