astrology news

Astrotheme Untrustworthy for Birth Times?

One of the challenges with western astrology is that it requires an accurate birth time in order to calculate a complete horoscope or birth chart for a person. Astrologers often like to use the charts of celebrities as examples in order to demonstrate various astrological techniques and concepts, since their lives tend to be so […]

astrology news

New Podcast on Astrology

About a year and a half ago I started a new podcast on astrology called The Astrology Podcast. The purpose of the show is to have discussions about technical, historical and philosophical topics related to astrology. On each show I usually either have another astrologer on as a co-host in order to talk about a […]

astrology news

New Astrology Blogs Page on Reddit

The astrology blogging community has grown so much in the past few years that I find it kind of difficult to keep up with what everyone is doing.  It is hard to sort through all of the articles that are constantly being published on the various astrology blogs, and I know that I’m missing out […]

astrology news

PlanetWatcher Releases 2010 Astrological Calendar

Kirk Kahn of recently released a new edition of his awesome astrological calendar for 2010, and this year you can order it online through This is my favorite astrological calendar because it allows you to look at the entire year at a glance and immediately see what the major planetary events are. It […]

astrology news

Yahoo Answers Has An Astrology Section

A few years ago Yahoo launched a website where users can submit and answer questions called Yahoo Answers.   The site has become quite popular since then, and many people are familiar with it because it shows up frequently in search results for various queries. Recently I was doing some searches online when I discovered that […]

astrology news

Considerations Astrological Journal Released Online for Free

The publishers behind the astrological journal Considerations recently decided to scan and release their entire journal archive online for free through the website Considerations was one of the few serious astrological journals available over the course of the past few decades.  It was issued quarterly starting in 1983, and under the editorship of Axel […]

astrology news

Astrodienst Releases Two New Astrology Widgets

Keeping up with their long track record of awesomeness, Astrodienst has just released two great new astrology widgets  for website developers and astrology bloggers.   Both widgets recently appeared on a new section of their site called Webmaster Tools. Widgets are essentially functional pieces of code that people can embed on web pages, allowing them to […]

astrology news

The Traditional Astrology Radio Podcast

One of the up-and-coming trends in the astrological community right now is podcasts and astrologically themed internet radio shows, and at this point my favorite is Traditional Astrology Radio. I began listening to it earlier this year when the original host David Hernández, who is a Medieval astrologer from Puerto Rico, starting featuring interesting interviews […]

astrology news

Political Astrology Blog Launched

I’m pleased to announce that Patrick Watson and I recently launched the Political Astrology Blog. It is going to be a frequently updated resource with news and articles related to the vast subject of political astrology. Patrick has already published some really great articles  on the blog over the past couple of weeks, including an […]

astrology news

More Astrologers Should Use StumbleUpon

There is this website called StumbleUpon that I think more astrologers should use.  The gist of the site is that you go there and set up a profile which lists different types of websites or topics that you like to study, and then you press the ‘Stumble’ button and it will take you to a […]

astrology news

A Suggestion for Astrodienst

I wrote a suggestion to the Astrodienst team at on their forum today about offering registered users the option of paying for additional chart space once they hit the 100 chart limit.  What follows is the suggestion I posted on their forum.  If you agree with the suggestion then you should stop by that […]

astrology news

Whole Sign Houses Now Available on

Many of the younger and newer generations of astrologers that have recently entered into the field in the past decade or so are aware of the importance of Astrodienst ( For many people, such as myself, Astrodienst has played a pivotal role in facilitating the study of astrology through the many services that the company […]

astrological tips and guides featured article

10 Tips For Learning Astrology

So you want to learn about astrology? Not the generalized Sun-sign stuff that you find in newspapers and magazines, but serious astrology. The advanced type where you can actually determine specific information about a person’s life through the observation of the planets and other celestial phenomena. Here are some tips to help you get started.