astrology news

Deborah Houlding’s Tough Interview Questions For Astrologers

By ‘tough’ I mean questions that involve Deborah Houlding sneaking up on astrologers at conferences and asking them a series of quickfire questions in rapid succession, sometimes only after alcohol has been consumed.  The results can be kind of hilarious though. A few months ago she conducted a bunch of these ‘interviews’ in the U.S. […]

astrology news

31 Percent of Americans “Believe” in Astrology

A new Harris Poll was released yesterday in which 31 percent of respondents said that they “believed” in astrology. 51 percent said that they don’t believe in it, while 18 percent said that they were not sure. The poll was apparently conducted online with 2,126 Americans between November 10th and the 17th, 2008. I noticed […]

astrology news

What’s Going On In The Astrology-Blogosphere

This is a new column I’m going to write every once in a while called ‘What’s Going On In the Astrology-Blogosphere?‘  The purpose is to highlight some interesting posts that I’ve come across on different astrology blogs recently, along with a little bit of commentary. It is not really meant to be comprehensive, and I’m […]

astrology news

The Lion, The Witch, and the Whaaaat – Astrology in Narnia?

Over the course of the past year a lot of astrologers have been talking about this new book that came out in January called Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C.S. Lewis by a scholar named Michael Ward.   In the book the author argues that C. S. Lewis patterned his seven […]

astrology news Video

Lee Lehman on Astrology as a Civil Rights Issue

Lee Lehman gave an interesting speech at a recent Kepler College graduation ceremony in Seattle in October in which she drew parallels between the astrological community and the LGBT community, arguing that astrologers face a similar type of political discrimination as homosexuals do. During the course of the speech she pointed out a number of […]

astrology news

More Astrologers Should Use StumbleUpon

There is this website called StumbleUpon that I think more astrologers should use.  The gist of the site is that you go there and set up a profile which lists different types of websites or topics that you like to study, and then you press the ‘Stumble’ button and it will take you to a […]

astrology news

Celebrity Astrology Blog Launched

As visitors to this blog may have noticed over the past week or so, I recently launched a new astrology blog dedicated to following celebrities with my friend Patrick Watson.  Surprisingly enough, we call it the Celebrity Astrology Blog. We were actually planning on holding off on announcing the new blog for a while so […]

astrology news

Tracking the Popularity of Astrology Around the World

Google released this fascinating program called Google Trends a while back that can be used to track search trends for various keywords over the past few years.  Basically, it displays different graphs showing how popular a specific search term is in certain areas of the world.  For me it is almost more of a novelty […]

astrology news

Michael Erlewine Re-Acquires Matrix Software

I just got an email from the founder of Matrix Software, Michael Erlewine, saying that has has re-acquired the company.  He lost it in the mid-90’s through some sort of deal that isn’t altogether clear, but apparently he has finally decided to take it back over again. Matrix is important from a historical perspective because […]

astrology news Unveils Two New Services

Astrodienst recently unveiled two new services/projects on their website,  The first new thing is that they took my suggestion from a few weeks ago and started offering an option on their site to store more chart files for registered users.  For people who reach the 100 chart limit in their registered account, which is […]

astrology news

Sarah Palin’s Birth Time

The US presidential election is only a few weeks away and we appear to have reliable birth data for Obama, McCain and Biden at this point, although there is still one missing piece:  we don’t have a reliable birth time for Sarah Palin.  A couple of birth times have been floating around for her over […]

astrology news

A Suggestion for Astrodienst

I wrote a suggestion to the Astrodienst team at on their forum today about offering registered users the option of paying for additional chart space once they hit the 100 chart limit.  What follows is the suggestion I posted on their forum.  If you agree with the suggestion then you should stop by that […]

astrology news

New Website for Hellenistic Astrology Launched at

Last week I noticed that the domain was open so I decided to buy it before some other domain name headhunters did, and so one thing led to another and I ended up launching a website dedicated to Hellenistic astrology.  The main purpose of this website is to help spur the revival of Hellenistic […]

astrology news

CNN Mocks Astrologer

I’ve been getting the vibe over the past few months that CNN isn’t very keen on astrology. It has almost become a regular occurrence at this point that every few months there will be some sort of snarky headline about astrology on the front page of their website. I guess that I’m not really particularly […]