astrology news

United Astrology Conference 2012 Recap

The eighth United Astrology Conference, otherwise known as UAC, took place in New Orleans from May 24-29, 2012. The conference was wildly successful, although it was such an intense week that many attendees were kind of burnt out afterward, and so a lot of the reviews of the conference have been trickling in slowly over […]

history and philosophy of astrology

Speech from the Final Kepler College Graduation

The final graduation ceremony for Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences took place on Sunday, May 27, 2012, starting at 8:00 PM in New Orleans, Louisiana. Kepler lost its ability to grant accredited degrees after some laws were changed in the state of Washington in 2010. Over the past two years the last group […]


Video Showing Asteroids Discovered Since 1980

This video is making the rounds on the internet right now which depicts all of the asteroid discoveries that have been made since 1980. I though that I would post it here, since asteroids have become a major source of interest for many modern astrologers over the past three decades or so, basically since the […]

astrological tips and guides

Tutorial on How to Draw the Astrological Glyphs

A few days ago a friend of mine told me that she had never learned how to draw the astrological symbols or “glyphs” because she had always used computerized charts. So, I decided to make a video tutorial which demonstrates how to draw out the glyphs for the signs of the zodiac and the planets. […]

history and philosophy of astrology

The Origins of Horary Astrology

I posted a video on the origins of horary astrology today on YouTube, as a response to a video that Kevin Burk recently posted on the subject. The specific point of the video was to counter an assertion made by Burk that horary is one the oldest branches of astrology, when in fact I would […]

astrological techniques and concepts

How the Classical Planets Came to Rule Two Signs

Several years ago I made this animation which depicts the story of how the five classical planets came to rule two signs of the zodiac each. It is loosely based on a Medieval Persian story that centers around the Thema Mundi, which is the mythical horoscope for the birth of the world. The Thema Mundi […]

astrology news

Rachel Maddow Talks About Mercury Retrograde on MSNBC

The astrological community is abuzz today after political commentator Rachel Maddow discussed the current Mercury retrograde period last night on her popular television show on MSNBC, The Rachel Maddow Show. Mercury has been retrograde since December 26th, and in a brief segment Maddow highlighted some of the wacky Mercury retrograde-esq things that have happened in […]

astrological techniques and concepts

Nick Dagan Best on Venus and Mars Retrograde Cycles

Back in March of 2007 I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the first Blast Astrology Conference in Sedona, Arizona.  The conference was organized single-handedly by Moses Siregar, and it was a smashing success, bringing together a broad array of both up-and-coming and well-established astrologers as speakers. From my point of view the […]

astrological techniques and concepts

Hard Venus-Pluto Aspects in Relationships

I was reading some random blogs tonight when I came across a video that provides a pretty compelling illustration of what hard aspects between Venus and Pluto are like in relationships.  By hard aspects I mean the conjunction, square and especially the opposition. Such a configuration is usually most relevant in a relationship when it […]

astrology news

House System Poll & Rectification Research Project

The Academy of Astrology and The Tradition journal recently announced two new research projects that they are working on in order to conduct studies within the astrological community. The first project is an online house system poll in order to get an idea of what system of house division different types of astrologers use.  The […]

astrology news

Astrologer Diana Brownstone Featured on Fox News Health

Fox News recently ran a segment on astrology and health that featured New York astrologer Diana Brownstone.  In what has become a somewhat infrequent occurrence, a major news outlet actually did a somewhat favorable story on astrology that actually featured a decent astrologer! I feel somewhat conflicted over the fact that it is Fox News […]

astrology news

CNN Confuses Astrologers With Psychics

CNN has been running a story today about how the difficult economic times have seen a rise in business for “psychics” and “fortune tellers”.   The majority of the segment focuses on an interview with an astrologer named Randy Goldberg, although for some reason they later transition into talking about the ‘American Association for Psychics’ […]

astrology news

New Website for Hellenistic Astrology Launched at

Last week I noticed that the domain was open so I decided to buy it before some other domain name headhunters did, and so one thing led to another and I ended up launching a website dedicated to Hellenistic astrology.  The main purpose of this website is to help spur the revival of Hellenistic […]

conferences and events

Reflections on the United Astrology Conference – UAC 2008

The United Astrology Conference (a.k.a. UAC) took place in May in Denver, Colorado, and I thought that it would be a good idea to detail some of the highlights of the conference from my perspective. The conference was held right in the heart of Denver, on the 16th street mall at what used to be […]